Drug Abuse

Drug abuse

A drug can be defined as a substance used for medical purposes either alone or in a mixture. It can be defined as any substance that modifies biological, psychological, and social behavior. Drugs contain chemicals that interact with the functions of the body. This interaction can enhance, inhibit, or distort the biological, psychological, as well as social function of the body. Drug abuse is the routine use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods neither approved nor supervised by medical professionals.

According to NAFDAC (National Agency for Food, Drugs, Administration, and Control), drug abuse means the excessive and persistent self-administration of a drug without regard to numerical or culturally accepted patterns.

Causes of Drug Abuse

  • Trying to fit in peer groups
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Reduction of stress and frustration
  • Curiosity (desire to find out how it feels to take drugs)
  • Trying to have a grown-up feeling

Effects of Drug Abuse

  • It may result in the death of an individual
  • It causes brain damage, lung damage, psychiatric illnesses, skin rashes, depression, etc.
  • Most of the accidents occurring on the street are under the influence of drugs
  • The impact on the family of the affected person, the community, and the nation at large is quite enormous
  • It leads to committing criminal activities

Prevention of Drug Abuse

  • Youths should have great ambition for their future
  • Youths should know the kinds of friends to associate themselves with
  • Be ready to say no, politely, to anyone that may want you to involve in taking hard drugs
  • The government should also sponsor public enlightenment campaigns on the harmful effects of drug abuse
  • Youths should involve themselves in positive and interesting activities such as sports, debates, drama, etc.
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