Compound Words

Compound Words

Compound words are words that are made up of two or more words to give meaning. For example, if we have the word "butter" (food) and "fly" (action), the compound word will be "butterfly" (insect). The new word formed by combining the two words is completely different in meaning from the original words.

Examples of Compound Words

  • Neck + tie = Necktie
  • Air + port = Airport
  • Time + table = Timetable
  • Fire + man = Fireman
  • Black + smith = Blacksmith
  • Fisher + man = Fisherman
  • Head + master = Headmaster
  • Grand + father = Grandfather
  • Foot + ball = Football
  • Over + taking = Overtaking
  • In + door = Indoor
  • Tea + spoon = Teaspoon
  • Rain + fall = Rainfall
  • Note + book = Notebook
  • Net + work = Network
  • Motor + cycle = Motorcycle
  • Every + day = Everyday
  • Every + one = Everyone
  • Every + thing = Everything

Examples of Compound Words in Sentences

  • Wear your necktie.
  • Let's go to the airport.
  • Copy your timetable.
  • He is a fireman.
  • I am a blacksmith.
  • The fisherman drowned in the sea.
  • The name of our headmaster is Mr. Mike.
  • He's my grandfather.
  • Let's play football.
  • Avoid overtaking cars on the road.
  • We stayed indoors during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Can I have a teaspoon of sugar?
  • I love my notebook.
  • The internet is a connection of networks.
  • Let's ride my motorcycle.
  • We go to school every day.
  • Everyone of us is a student.
  • He knows almost everything about computers.
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