Abstract Nouns

Abstract Nouns

An abstract noun is a type of noun that expresses the names of things that cannot be seen or touched but can only be felt. It is a word that expresses ideas.

Abstract nouns usually explain things that happen through imagination.

Examples of abstract nouns:

  • Hunger
  • Dream
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Tiredness
  • Sickness
  • Knowledge
  • Imagination
  • Fright
  • Nervousness
  • Wealth
  • Kindness
  • Intelligence
  • Madness
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Greatness
  • Laziness
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Confidence
  • Life
  • Consciousness
  • Effort
  • Death
  • Fearlessness
  • Fear
  • Education
  • Goodness
  • Inspiration

Examples of abstract nouns in sentences:

  • He is hungry.
  • I had a dream last night.
  • I am really happy.
  • Look at the sad boy.
  • I am really angry.
  • We are tired; we need to sleep.
  • My friend is sick.
  • Can you just imagine what he said?
  • He was frightened to death.
  • I am a rich man.
  • He is really kind.
  • I am really nervous.
  • I am smart.
  • He is kind of mad.
  • He is successful.
  • He failed the exam.
  • I feel greatness in me.
  • I am not lazy.
  • He is honest.
  • He's a man of integrity.
  • He has courage.
  • He is really confident.
  • I don't want to lose my life.
  • I am really conscious of what is happening.
  • He made an effort.
  • He is scared of death.
  • I am fearless.
  • I am afraid of ghosts.
  • He is educated.
  • He has knowledge.
  • He's good at being good.
  • Bill Gates always inspires me.
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