

Possession simply means ownership. It means that something belongs to someone.

  • Examples
  • This is the bag of rose
  • This is the computer of Mr. Ben
  • This is Mr. Ben's computer

Rules of possession

A singular noun is changed to possessive form by putting an apostrophe and ('s) after the noun that stands as the possessor.

  • Examples
  • This is John's house
  • This is Phillip's car
  • Look at Kevin's cat

If the plural noun ends in "s", we should add an apostrophe only.

  • Examples
  • The girls' hotel
  • The boys' shirt

If the plural noun does not end in "s", we should add an apostrophe and ('s).

  • Examples
  • The men's house
  • The children's house
  • The women's car
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