

Marriage can be defined as the coming together of a man and a woman to become husband and wife. It can also be defined as the legal union between a man and a woman.

Types of Marriage

  • Monogamy
  • Polygamy
Monogamy Marriage:
This is the type of marriage where a man marries only one wife.
This is the type of marriage where a man marries two or more wives.

Problems in Marriage

  • Differences in the husband and wife's views and understanding of issues
  • Believing rumors from friends and family without confirmation
  • The husband's inability to handle financial problems or irresponsibility
  • Infertility and the failure to bear children in time
  • Family members (husband, wife, children) giving in to negative external influences
  • When the husband or wife does not care for each other
  • Interference by extended family members in complex affairs

Solutions to Problems in Marriage

  • They should love and tolerate each other
  • They should consider each other's points of view
  • They should be honest with each other
  • They should care for each other
  • They should be free to open up with each other
  • They should talk about critical issues
  • They should not engage in extramarital affairs
  • They should be content with their current status
  • They should not allow friends or relatives to interfere in their private life
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