Election is a concept used in all democratic countries where people are called to make choices among candidates or contestants who wish to rule. Therefore, it is the process of making choices among available options of candidates contesting offices.


  • Direct Election: This type of election is called direct election because the voters are called to personally cast their votes for candidates or the political parties of their choice without anybody serving as a middleman.
  • Indirect Election: In this system, the people elect the members of parliamentarians who will then, on behalf of the people, elect the prime minister and the president.


  • They make the government so elected to be acceptable to the people, and this promotes the legitimacy of the government.
  • Election provides an orderly method of changing government in a country.
  • A regular election promotes accountability in the affairs of the government.
  • Election helps to measure public opinion on issues affecting the people.
  • Election provides a means of getting different views represented in the legislature.
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